FAQs – Treatments
Where should I look for Accurate level 7 information?
Please refer to the JCCP site for information on Aesthetic Level 7 approved training courses
Can you advertise Botox to the Public?
Botox is a prescription-only medicine (POM) and as such, cannot be advertised to the public (rule 12.12) (Venus Beauty Lounge, 5 August 2015 and MyCityDeal Ltd, 14 March 2012).
In traditional non-broadcast media, such as leaflets, press ads, brochures, posters and even on sponsored ads, the ASA considers almost every reference to Botox and other Botulinum toxin products as promoting a POM and therefore a clear breach of rule 12.12.
The BACDP are referring to “Botox” instead of “muscle relaxing treatments” on this website when quoting from the GDC.
Can a Dentist use their dental insurance to cover non surgical treatments?
The DDU offers access to indemnity for it’s Dentist members, upon application, for cosmetic procedures (botulinum toxin and FDA approved dermal fillers in the face but not the neck or other parts of the body) at no additional subscription when earnings from this work do not exceed £7999 per annum.
If earnings from this work is £8,000 or more a subscription supplement is chargeable.
Can a Dentist Prescribe Remotely for another Dental Professional?
Remote prescribing (for example via telephone, email, skype, website etc) for treatments such as muscle relaxing injections and other prescription non-surgical cosmetic procedures is NOT permitted.
A face to face consultation with the patient must be conducted in order to assess a patient’s suitability and medical fitness for facial aesthetic procedures and a prescription made.
Does a Dentist have to be trained in the administration of Botulinum Toxin to prescribe or carry out Botox?
As a Dental Hygienist/Therapist can I adminster muscle relaxing injections through direct access?
The administration of muscle relaxing injections is not the practice of dentistry and so it does not appear in a Dental Hygienist/Therapists scope of practice. As muscle relaxing injections involve prescription only medicines, patients must be seen by either a registered doctor or dentist for an initial face to face consultation to assess their suitability and treatment and medical status. However, once this prescription has been obtained a Dental Hygienist/Therapist may then administer the muscle relaxing injection provided they are fully trained, indemnified and competent to do so.
The Doctor or Dentist is responsible for the prescription and the Dental Hygienist/Therapist is responsible for the treatment. Both prescriber and practitioner need to work together in the patient’s best interest.
As a Dental Hygienist/Therapist can I administer dermal fillers through direct access?
Injectable dermal fillers are classed as medical devices and so do not require a prescription. Dental Hygienists/Therapists who wish to provide injectable dermal fillers to a patient must be fully trained, competent and indemnified to do so.
Do I need to work in a specialist clinic or can I provide facial aesthetics at home?
To practice safely and in line with current guidelines, the BACDP would advise dental professionals working in non-surgical aesthetics to work in premises registered with either the CQC or your Local health authority where possible.
Please also look up guidance relating to the new licensing scheme being created from the 2022 Health and social care act:
Do I need specialist indemnity insurance to offer non-surgical facial aesthetics?
It is highly unlikely that your dental indemnity will cover any non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Hamilton Fraiser is an insurance company we as an association highly recommend for their professionalism and support and their understanding of the training undertaken by dental professionals.
I live in Scotland. Do the same regulations and legislation apply?
To regulate and improve the healthcare in Scotland in independent healthcare clinics, from the 1st April 2017 only premises registered with the Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) can offer treatments such as toxin and dermal fillers. From April 2017 it will be an offence to offer these treatments in an unregulated environment and practitioners can be prosecuted. HIS will inspect independent clinics including those providing non-surgical cosmetic treatments to ensure the industry performs to a high standard that continually improves. If you are currently operating a service and intend to operate it past 31st March 2017, then you need to be registered by 31st March 2017.
For more information visit www.healthcareimprovementscotland.org
In the event of an emergency can a Dental Hygienist/Therapist administer emergency drugs?
Whatever the treatment you are providing it is important to follow your training in the event of a medical emergency. In Dentistry dental professionals must follow the guidance on medical emergencies and training updates issued by the Resuscitation Council (UK). The guidance by the Resuscitation Council is that clinical settings staffed by Dentists, Dental Hygienists and Therapists are to have an emergency drugs kit.
Some drugs in an emergency kit are prescription-only medicines (POM), controlled drugs or pharmacy medicines and are therefore subject to restrictions imposed by medicines legislation. A Dentist may purchase any of these emergency medicines whereas a DCP may not. A dental hygeinist or therapist may administer a controlled drug if there is a presciption by a Dentist or a patient group directive.
Medical legislation exempts certain parenteral (intravenous or intramuscular) POMs from the requirements if used in an emergency to save a life. These medicines do not require a prescription and may be administered by anyone.
Following the medicines on the dental emergency drugs list:
* Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) spray (400mcg/dose) – pharmacy medicine
* Salbutamol inhaler (100mcg/actuation) non-parenteral – POM
* Adrenaline injection(1:1000, 1mg/ml) parenteral – POM allowed for use in an emergency
* Aspirin dispersible (300mg) – pharmacy medicine
* Glucagon injection 1mg parenteral – POM allowed for use in an emergency
* Oral glucose solution/tablets/gel/powder – not classed as a medicine
* Midazolam 10mg (buccal) – controlled drug
* Oxygen – not a POM
Midazolam is the only drug above requiring a PGD.
However the GDC believes when it comes to a medical emergency you should act in the best interest of your patient, therefore if they needed a drug to save their life you would be acting in their best interest to administer it.
For more information on the guidelines for medical emergencies go to www.resus.org.uk
Can a Dental Hygienist/Therapist administer Local Anaesthesia for Non-surgical treatments?
Local anaesthetic is a prescription-only medicine (POM) which means under the Medicines act 1968 it can only be prescribed by a suitably qualified prescriber i.e. usually a doctor or dentist. However, it can be administered by both dental hygienists and dental therapists either under a written patient-specific prescription or under a Patient Group Directive (PGD).
How much will my indemnity insurance cost?
Indemnity insurance may vary considerably depending on the provider and the type of treatments you will be offering. It is important you are very clear on what your insurance will and won’t cover you within your policy before deciding who to go with. Any reputable insurance company will ask to see your qualifications and training certificates prior to issuing you with a policy and should be easily contactable for any queries you may have.
Where can I purchase products for non-surgical facial aesthetics?
There are many pharmacies that sell a wide range of products and the pharmaceutical industry can be very confusing. A suggested starting point is to talk to your training company with regards to products and suppliers they recommend. Whilst suppliers can be competitive it is important to not make cost your primary consideration. Product suitability to each individual patient and procedure are essentials considerations when choosing products.
Wigmore Pharmace-London, Church Pharmacy, and Dental Directory are all reputable suppliers and work with dental professionals.